Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Lesson-How to make Pizza




Notice in the pictures that the girls are making their own lunch, again they think that this is fun. We won't tell them that they will hate this when they are teenagers! Sydney really enjoyed this but as you can see she put all the cheese in one spot, nothing mom couldn't fix though, I just kept rotating the pan until it was even.
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Child Labor?




Some may say that this would fall under child labor laws but I would disagree, I would call this teaching my children responsibility! Actually it's called lets see how long I can get away with them cleaning and thinking it's fun before they realize it's work
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Saturday, March 6, 2010

Spring is here, we hope

It has been a beautiful weekend. Mackenzie and I spent the day getting our backyard garden ready. We planted strawberries, basil, dill, parsley and fed the roses. We had a good few hours together before Sydney woke up from her nap. Mackenzie also got to plant her own veggie tales garden-we hope that some marigolds come out of it!

It's rodeo time in Texas

Well it's that time of year again, everyone in Houston has shined their belt buckles and polished their boots and off to the rodeo they go. I can honestly say that we have not been yet! We did get a small taste of it though at Mac's school this week. Cowboy Zach came and all the little kids were dressed as cowboys and cowgirls. They got to sing along and Mackenzie got to sit next to her best friend Reese-I've been told they are going to be friends forever! I also got to experience my first time in a real western wear shop-interesting is all I can say, a good analogy would be that it was the rodeo drive of the south (not pronounced rodeo like in Houston)$400.00 and you can have yourself a nice pair of cowboy boots, and those southern people say that they are not materialistic...ha!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

The lone wheel has been removed!

Yesterday 2/27/10 we took the lone training wheel off of Mackenzie's bike. For the longest time she had been riding around with one-I hit the other with the car-oops! So yesterday I saw her in the road riding her friends bike, minus the training wheels. I asked her if I could take her training wheel off and she said no that she needed it...well it came off with some reluctance and off she went.
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